Friday, November 7, 2008

The Revolution needs to begin...

I'm writing this blog entry as my last.

Prop 8 passed in California and I for one am outraged and overwhelmed by anger.

The reason behind putting a stop to this blog is to try and formulate a way to educate people about what it means to be a gay man/woman through a more purposeful blog which will be shared and networked around the nation through different series, versions, and bloggers.

I don't know where to begin, but I know it has to start.

I'm tired of just being disappointed and sad for my gay community...and I'm also tired of being angry all the time at the non-sense I hear from people with skewed views of what gay is all about.

The revolution needs to begin...


Dirty said...
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Dirty said...

Luv Yahz~

Unknown said...

Hey babe, i was shocked when I found out about the law reversal in Cali. It's so ridiculous!!!!! Let me know your next project!

Dirty said...

Judge overturns Cali's ban on same sex marriage! No presidential nominee means less people will have an opinion..and go riddens to those ney sayers!!!