Monday, May 19, 2008

I am so....

tired! Long weekend of nothing but sleeping in and boozing with the family. And's back to work!

People would say that I'm crazy for loving Mondays. It's not that I like to schlep myself in traffic for an hour just to get to work, or the fact that I had to get up early to get to work (I'm always ahead of myself). I think of Mondays as a way to reset what's been done last week and start fresh! At least this is the most up-beat way I could look at it to beat the work day blues.

I do my usual routine of blowing my nose for a few minutes to relieve my poor sinuses of allergy induced snot (so not pretty), grab myself a cup o' joe, read my e-mails, read some blogs, and just before doing actual work...I read my bff's blog, then proceed to work on mine. I do all of this religiously!

Anyway, in honor of the dreaded Monday blues I picked a nice number released in 1986 by one of my all time favorite girl bands, The Bangles! It was their first hit, and it was written by Prince in 1984. He recorded this as a duet for his own album, but decided to pull it later. Two years pass, he tries to court Miss Susanna Hoffs (lead singer of the Bangles) and presents her with the song which they eventually record and become a no. 2 hit on the charts. (Behind Prince's "Kiss" of course).

The song is very simple, with a very catchy verse melody that strongly resembles one of Prince's song, "1999". It describes a girl waking up from a romantic dream only to find that it's Monday and so begins the process of having to drag herself through the work day.

So grab a cup, read your e-mails, and enjoy "Manic Monday"


Tuffie said...

cute blog loser

and you need to tell me if you're going to open a blog and then, oh i don't know, actually blog on it!, so i can roll you and become a reader

yes, i'm bitter, but you love my bitterness so deal

nice blog, love the song *bops around all manic like* and keep it up


Basilio Bocalan said...

Thanks for the lovin'!

Loves the blog...LOVES IT!

See, this is where communication fails...cause I know darn well I told you bout this blog...then again I tell you lots of things and it's in one ear and out the other...or "I can't do that right now BB, I'm working on a big project as's called my LIFE?!"

Thanks for rolling me as well. Loves you and your bitter self!